We focus on the areas you should pay attention to when choosing a provider for your WordPress website. There are many providers on the market, but there can be a significant difference in what is included in their packages. In some cases, you may have to pay extra for relatively basic features. Therefore, we offer 5 tips for you to consider when choosing your WordPress web hosting.

1-Click Installation

It’s convenient to get started without extensive technical skills. We recommend choosing a provider that offers 1-click installation of WordPress. If 1-click installation is not included, you would need to be familiar with FTP programs to upload WordPress files and find your database details. Some providers have the database created by default, and you can find the information in their control panel, while in other places, you have to create your own database and use those details during installation. We can all agree that it’s easiest when you can just click a button.

WordPress Staging

Another feature we want to highlight is WordPress staging. With staging, you can create a copy of your WordPress site where you can experiment with various edits and developments. When you’re done, you can quickly publish your customized website. This way, you don’t have to edit the design of your WordPress site while visitors wonder about changing layouts during their visits.

Free SSL

Another crucial feature is SSL. We believe it’s a necessity for all websites and should be included in your hosting. With SSL, you can secure your website and get the small green padlock icon while people visit your site. In other words, the traffic to your site goes over a secure https connection, rather than an insecure http connection.

Stable and Fast Servers

Do you want to achieve a good position on Google and provide your users with a great experience when they visit your website? Of course, you do! Therefore, prioritize both stable and fast servers. Your visitors will appreciate content that loads quickly, which is increasingly expected. Equally important, Google rewards fast websites. You also don’t want constant downtime, so stability is crucial.

Daily Backup

The last tip is daily backup. Ensure that this is included in your web hosting. If you make an update that fails, it’s nice to be able to restore the site, saving you from expensive bills from a developer. It’s also a requirement with backup if you get hacked. Be aware that some providers offer backup, but if you want to use it, your monthly subscription fee increases. We firmly believe that backup should be included as a standard in any web hosting service.

Those were the 5 tips for choosing WordPress hosting. At nordicway, we operate an all-inclusive concept, meaning you get all these basic features at no additional cost.

5 Tips for choosing WordPress hosting
Om forfatteren

Michael Storm

I am a partner at nordicway and also have over 10 years of experience in the online industry as both a designer and developer. I am educated as a multimedia designer and have since run several independent businesses. With nordicway, I aim to offer a quality product to website owners, and I will use the blog to convey useful knowledge to interested and potential customers.